

1st September 2019

New ventures abound this year and one of these is assistance with animal training which is on the rise.  Who doesnt love taking their beloved 4-legged pooch for an outing and having everyone comment how well behaved they are?  To have your dog under control and obeying commands happily is every pet owners dream, making life easier and enabling you to enjoy the wonderful relationship of unconditional love with no need for discipline on a daily basis.

Let me help you create this relationship and get the most out of your pooch while discovering some simple techniques to enable you to be the leader of the pack and also make training fun.  I do this all with love and reward based methods that even the most difficult of hounds will respond to.

I share my life with 2 beautifully behaved 4-legged creatures and having trained them from young pups I still find myself being approached and asked 'what is the secret?'  Nothing more than love, continuity and a steady firm approach with simple commands and a lot of loving praise.  I know my pooches would follow me to the ends of the earth, so let me help you discover this secret and enjoy the experience in doing so.

While we are on the subject, I am also promoting my wonderful girlfriend, Anna's talents as an animal photographer.  She is freelancing at the moment and is able to capture the most incredible images of you and your pet.  Having travelled the world and taken amazing photos along the way, Anna will definitely bring out the best in your furry friends.  I will upload some photos in the near future and you be the judge!

Relocation is the flavour of the month at the moment for me and I have been swamped with calls for help to declutter, pack, box & send, inventory, book flights and even organise animal transport & vaccinations.  JetPets have been amazing with this process - answering never-ending questions, giving endless advice and ensuring your pets travel safely, happily and with care to all corners of the globe.  They even have advice on the best veterinary practices for health checks, fit-to-fly certificates and all vaccinations to ensure all travel requirements are met, saving you the hassle.

Lastly, I am still offering all the same services I always have, with everything from administration duties, to shopping, decluttering, sorting, organising, preparing your property for sale and everything in between.  And I continue to do this every day with the same passion as when I started over 10 years ago - how lucky am I?!!

1 August 2018

Has it been over a year since I had some free time to update my website?  Yes its true, not that I dont have a little down time every now and then, just have not had time for sitting still!

Where has the year gone?  Letz Get Organised is still in business and every year I breathe a sigh of relief that the economic downturn has not affected me too greatly.  Dont get me wrong, there have been quiet times (albeit brief) where I have not been run off my feet, but they are, I am happy to say, few and far between.

Working every day, still with my regulars from when I first started my company and new clients every month. Once again thank you all for your loyalty and support throiugh yet another year!!!

Hoarding on the rise again - dont worry 'hoarders' you are not alone.......our disposable society and thirst to own more than we need is more common than you think and I love you all, but worry when I leave how some of my clients will cope?  The amount of clutter I see in homes today makes me wonder what would be if we all took a year off shopping for unnecessary items?  Am sure most of us would be able to afford a first class ticket around the world with the money we could save?  Give it a try....see what happens and then go have a holiday of a lifetime.

Branching out a little this year and trying my hand at new projects - booking travel, planning holidays for others, setting up Air BNB for tourists arriving and a fair bit of shopping needed to be done.  Even tried my hand at some dog training - a secret passion of mine.

Lastly I have tried my hand at project management for house renovations and home improvements.  I can come in and oversee the work, ensure the contractors are the best suited for you and even put your home back together once the work is completed.  Another passion of mine revealed!


13 March 2017

At last some time once again to make some more updates and keep everyone out there that is interested, in the loop.  I have added another Contect to my website and this is Testimonials - got to say I have been meaning to do this for some time now!  Oops.

Just have 2 at the moment as I seem to get so carried away with the task at hand and the needs of my clients that I usually forget to ask for feedback in writing.  To those that have taken the time to share your thoughts (and such positive thoughts they are) a huge THANK YOU!!!  Love hearing all the positive feedback, but even more so is lobely when someone takes the time to write it down so that I can be reminded of the changes I have made and the assistance I have given.

I LOVE what I do - always have, still do and am sure will always be.  But having someone confirm that I am on the right track and helping out in such a positive way, makes it even more worthwhile.  Job satisfaction is one thing, gratitude for what I do makes me feel like I count!  This is what keeps me going and what I live for.

The fact that LGO is going strong after almost 9 years is a fantastic feeling!  We may be a small company, but we still matter after so long and we are still doing what we love best.

I have been very lucky to have some help from my beautiful sister, Libby, who is home after mnay eyars of travel and who also shares my passion for organisation.  She is a chef by trade and incredible at what she does, but has kindly been giving me some help when and where she can.

We have tackled some huge jobs together and a few small - working with her (someone I love and respect dearly) makes the job all that more fun.  We work hard, laugh alot and are on the same wavelength when it comes to standards.  Why do a half hearted job, when you can do a stellar one?

Anyone out there need a chef for a dinner party, afternoon tea, special event?  Get in touch and I can point you in the right direction.  Libby has been cheffing on Super Yachts in the Med for the past 20 or so years and she did not become so successful and sought after from being mediocre.  She has catered to the rich and famous all over the world - so many cant be wrong!!!  Believe me, you wont be disappointed!


22 September 2016

So I am still working at what I love doing best and my website seems to be keeping me in focus because new clients are contacting me on a regular basis.  Thank you to all those who have taken the step and sent an email, phoned me or even just sent a text - I am happy to say I am still going strong and here to help when needed.

Hoarding seems to be more common than was usual a few years back, and hand in hand with this is a love of craft.  I have yet to meet a hoarder who does not have some craft interests filling their cupboards or any other empty space they have found!  Funnily enough it can make a hoarder their own worst enemy, for craft requires much care and organising to keep on top of.  All those tiny little beads, reams of paper, ribbons and bows, stamps, ink pads, pens, glues and the like need to be stored and then one has to have a memory for where all these items have been kept.  Without organisation and an inventory in place, it quickly escalates and craft items left unattended seem to breed!

Dont worry, you are not alone - hoarding and craft are on the rise.  Letz Get Organised to the rescue - I can help!

When I am not de-cluttering, organising or setting new systems in place to make your life easier, I spend time thinking about branching out.........will keep you posted, so watch this space!

To all my regular clients whom I help on a daily, weekly or monthly basis - a HUGE THANK YOU!  Your ongoing support and business for my company is noted, appreciated and greatly loved.  I am happy to say my very first client is still with me and reminds me on a regular basis that with my help, life is just easier.

Moving house is also on the rise - packing up and organising boxes to be transported to your new home is another favourite of mine.  I can pack, ensure you have an itemised list of all belongings being moved and then unpack at the other end to ensure that all your precious belongings arrive unharmed, and are then relocated into the best and most logical place in your new home.  If you need to downsize during this stressful period, I am happy to advise what should and should not be moved on.  Charity organisations are always in need of good quality donations.

Lastly, but by no means least is Spring Cleaning!  There is a reason we used to do this task annually - it was needed!  You can not keep purchasing and storing new goods without clearing out the old and unecessary items.  Spring is in the air, so let me help you prepare your home for summer and eventually Christmas.  But dont leave it until the last minute because December is my busiest time of year.

8 July 2015

Variety is the spice of life!  And that is what I have been up to - setting up a home move.  When I got to the kitchen, I had to make sure that the storage was organised to suit this full time working and constantly entertaining client.

If you are overwhelmed by your kitchen chaos, I found this marvellous little checklist here that will help you start.

July 2015

Its amazing what a little advertising can do......put the word out there and it turns out work comes through the door.

Been a productive couple of weeks since I last blogged and now turning my hand to vehicle maintenance with a service and tyre replacement needed (not personally completing this work you understand, just setting appointments up) for an extremely busy client who finds he never has enough hours in the day.

I fill in as part time PA and oversee any works needed at his property, also doing administrative duties in his home office and shopping when required.

I now have 3 clients that require my services in this area, enabling them peace of mind to get on with their work and not have to come home at the end of a long day to even more jobs needing attention.

Last week also saw me consulting with a client who needs his family's art collection catalogued. I have done similar work before for him, assisting in the transition with his parents for their move into a downsized property.

Antique furniture was auctioned, precious mementoes divided between family members and excess household items donated to the Paraquad Society, who were most appreciative, as they are an often-forgotten 'not for profit' organisation who do amazing work.

June 2015

It's been a while since I've been online and this is because I have been so busy organising clients as well as me!

In the last year or so I have organised countless (new) people and my wonderful 'regulars' AND organised my own wedding, moving house and taken on my darling husband's office.

My clients now stretch from Yanchep to Mandurah; organising offices, staging houses for selling, moving homes and cataloguing a clients' personal collection are all projects I have been busy with.

But the real increase this year is help needed with HOARDING.  I wonder if this is to do with TV having a number of programs on hoarding and people realising that there is help out there - using companies like Letz Get Organised.

To highlight my point, Channel 7's Today Tonight approached me this month wnating to feature a program with Letz Get Organised dealing with hoarding.  My initial thought was that none of my clients would like a film crew broadcasting their home life on television, but am I wrong?  Perhaps if we highlighted just how common this is, more people would feel comfortable to come forth and seek help? Please get in contact if you would like to get involved.

August 2014

Over 5 years since inception of my little company and still going strong - Yayyyyyyyy.....I love my work!

January 2013

Still going strong and what a way to bounce into 2013, with meeting many new clients in the closing months of last year and although working long hours, loving every minute of it and hoping this next year proves to be just as successful.  Took some time off for Christmas and the New Year which was much needed, but back into it now feeling most refreshed and revitalised.

Letz Get Organised is heading into year 4 and can not believe what has been achieved, with new clients and new ventures taken on, realising my dream of doing a job that I love!

Start of a new year has given me much incentive to keep spreading the word of just how life-changing 'organisation in your space, be it home or office ' can be and how much it can change your view on everything.  Suddenly that room looks so much bigger, the car can once more fit into the garage and you would not believe how many times I hear, 'I have been looking for that item for months now.........'

With all the positive feedback I keep getting, it makes me realise that I am doing what I do best and I hope that never changes!  Dont wait, get in touch and let me help you to get organised - life is too short to live with clutter!

September 2012

It is really exciting for me to see people achieve something that has perhaps been on their 'to-do' list or new years resolution list for so many years.

Letz Get Organised is now in its 3rd year of operations and with the help of many wonderful clients going from strength to strength. Thanks to this website, many disorganised individuals have found our name, dropped us an email and made the life changing decision to seek help with their clutter.

Loving what I do so much means that there is a huge sense of accomplishment seeing the relief of my clients once the job is complete.

Some clients choose to wave goodbye and close the door, vowing to keep it all under control and do; finding a new sense
of freedom with clutter removed and order in place.

Sometimes that is all you need - someone to come in and get you started.

Others are more practical in their expectations and recognise they need a little 'maintenance' from time to time to keep their space in the shape they want it.

April 2012

Well work has been so busy of late that I have not had a chance to update my website for some time now and hence the
silence for so long.

We have had lots of new and exciting ventures that have included everything from real estate to interior design. We located an investment property for a client in the Northern Territory and furnished and decorated ready for executive lease. A tenant was found, lease signed and once again client is happy, which is a most positive outcome.